
Communicate with us!

Blooming in Space is still a work in progress, and we’re still figuring out how best to communicate with each other.

For now, you can participate by contributing to discussions on our wiki: (Create a free account here, first.)

Or you can subscribe to our listserv:

and send us an email:
bloominginspace [at] lists [dot] riseup [dot] net

Anyone who would like to contribute to the Blooming in Space blog — with histories of your community, articles, calls for support or calls to action, event announcements or with anything else that’s relevant — send an email to the listserv and we’ll set you up as a contributor.

We would also love to hear from anyone whose community wants to be listed in our directory, or anyone from another organization or entity that would like to be linked to the project (ie, as an ally organization, example of a working model, a relevant network, etc).

One response to “Contact

  1. Hey how did the crimethinc convergence go on the radical permaculture side no need to fill me in on the drama.

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